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A company registration number (CRN) is a unique combination of numbers, at times of numbers and letters. It is used to identify a company and verify its legal existence as an incorporated entity. A unique Company Registration Number is assigned as the company is registered on a certain register. The issuing entity differs from country to country. In Germany the public register and issuing entity is the Handelsregister. In the UK it is the Companies House. In the Netherlands it is the Chamber of Commerce. The CRN can be found on the Certificate of Incorporation, on all official documentation received from the issuing entity or on the excerpts of the register. A company registration number is also referred to as company number.
Tax identification number (TIN), also known as FIN (Fiscal Identification Number), is a personal identification number issued by the government of the country where you reside or are liable for taxes. In the Netherlands, the Fiscal Identification Number (FIN) for individuals is the Citizen Service Number (burgerservicenummer) (BSN).

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Order summary


€6.000,- €5.400,-

5 User access

10.000 Products

50 Bricks/Classifications

1 Data standard (GS1)

Total (excl. tax)
